Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to fix my social ineptitude?

Ok, for as long as i can remember right back to the age of three I always had a problem with being sociable and making friends not from a lack of wanting to more the fact that i think that i dont posess the skills to be the "social butterfly" from this stemmed physical and mental bullying up to the age of 16 after that it levelled off since most people "grew up". to make up for the lack of social skills i've become mildy narcasistic not to the point of dellusion but to the point of it being the only way i can hold conversation by extrapolating about myself in an exaggerated way (this could be construded as lying i know) this results in myself being isolated because you dont want to admit to people that what your conversing about is not really the case therefore distancing them and not letting them completley in and not being able to befriend somebody because you dont know how to get to their level due to social inexperience cos of this social affliction, it's lonley here, any ideas?

How to fix my social ineptitude?
Change the perception of your self image. Identify in your head the ideal person you know with effective social skills. Become that person, be fake if you must. As Adolf Hitler once said and I paraphrase, 'If you tell peole a lie big enough, for a long time, they will start believing you.' And then you'll be the social person you've always wanted to...however this won't cure the source of your problems whatever they may be...such as depression.
Reply:Watch how others do it and copy them.
Reply:You know what, you sound like an intelligent person. You know what you want and are asking for ways to find it; therefore, I really do suggest that you seek some professional help. When you realize your inner worth, you will care less about making yourself "bigger" to the rest of the world.

Your own brand of "goodness" will show through, and your life will change. You NEVER have to be like someone else, but only the person you want to be, and enjoy the rewards of being that good person.
Reply:Don't worry about it! I was an inept loner also,but I matured as the years went by %26amp; now i insult %26amp; chastise with the best of them!
Reply:Learn cues. People with Asperger's do that. Also, subtle mimicry of body language can enhance communication.

I'm a loner too, and I'm happy that way. People just sh!t me off.
Reply:That is the longest sentence I have ever read. Holy crap man. But the answer to your question stems back to before you were 16. You are a loser. Sorry man, some of us are losers. I am too so I don't feel so bad calling you one. Good luck with that. Maybe you could join a chess club or a video game clan.
Reply:Just be yourself. Tell yourself over and over that other people's opinion of you does not matter. We've all been programmed to conform to Hollywood's image of "normal" and "acceptable", but let's face it, no two people are the same. Embrace your individuality and don't worry about what anyone else thinks of you. If you need to lie to someone to befriend them, they aren't worth the effort.

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