Wednesday, July 14, 2010

About clothes/attire for social situations, may I have some advice on the following-- please??

About clothes/attire, may I have some advice on the following-- please?

I'm a 32-years-old, single heterosexual male who i s self-confident, laid-back, and “being myself”:

Currently, I am attending group classes(in social dancing; Salsa, Two-step, Swing) at a dance studio to both: “learn how to dance” and “meet, mingle(have ‘light’/‘small’-talk conversations)” with peer-aged person(s) of any race/ethnicity, whether male or female; and practice or improve both my “flirting” skills and social dancing skills with the women.


What type/kind or style of clothes, meaning social attire, should I wear( b e s i d e s the obvious; fresh laundered, comfortable, matching, and economically affordable) in the following situations to attract/allure peer-aged women— any race/ethnicity . . .

A. What should I wear when attending group classes at a dance studio-- the same studio where I learn “how to social dance”)? ? ?

B. What should I wear when attending a social dance that is both offered by and held at the same dance studio where I attend dance classes? ? ?

C. What should I wear when attending a social dance sponsored by a dance studio but held at either a dance nightclub or a restaurant/tavern(which has a dance floor)? ? ?

About clothes/attire for social situations, may I have some advice on the following-- please??
we need photos ................. l
Reply:dark button up with black slacks.....mmmmm sexy. like a deep red or burgundy red long sleeved button up, with some fext properly tailored black slacks, and a black belt and matching shoes....youll be on fire!

just make sure the shirt is a darker, and a warm color, cool colors are good too, just keep them dark, because it just looks better, you know sexier.
Reply:A) Proper shirt, comfortable pants, dancing shoes

B) Suit/Tux, bow tie, dancing shoes

C) As (B)
Reply:Start with A. Dark pants (not jeans), dress shoes, and a white collared shirt the first night. Check out the teachers; you may want to go a step or two less formal than the male teachers for lessons. Ask them about what people wear to dances.
Reply:Charlie Sheen's character on 2 1/2 men has dressy casualy type clothes. I don't know what those shirt are called. Or a collared shirt always works. If more formal swap out Charlie's shorts for Dress type dark or kakhi pants. Although with summer I would not balk at nice dress shorts in a hot crowded club.

The answerer who said look at the teachers was great you need to be able to move. Have fun hope you find her.
Reply:1) make sure you wear something you're comfortable in.

2) nice dress slacks and a light shirt. when dancing you tend to get hot,so you don't want to wear a shirt that's gonna hold in the heat.

3) or maybe you do want them to see you sweat and that will get them hot and all kinds of yummy things will happen .

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