Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social vs. Unsocial?

Do you think that people have a naturally tendency to be unsocial or social? Do you think people are just born social and some are not. I am not talking about being shy, I am talking abuot just not liking partys and such. Do you think some people could live alone with no interaction for weeks at a time or do you think everyone needs social interaction to survive?

Social vs. Unsocial?
Lets see, I DO think that we need some sort of social interaction, however I DON'T think that refusing to go to parties is unsocial.

I don't like parties much, never have, though I DO like a small potluck get together with close friends. I'm not very social, in that I don't make friends easily, nor do I wish to, but I do HAVE friends, they're just really good friends versus what most people have - acquaintances.

I am very much like my father. My mother, sister, and 2 brothers are VERY social, however, as is my husband. I do find, though, that their "friends" are more likely to be merely acquaintances, and they'll admit that as well.

I think it IS a natural tendency - my parents are still married, and we were all four raised by both, and yet we turned out how we did. And I agree, unsocial is NOT the same as being shy, I'm not really shy, just prefer to be with my own thoughts unless I'm in the mood for a get-together. I have gone to parties before, being dragged along, and sometimes I've talked to others, and sometimes I spent the whole night just chilling out and listening to music. Neither bothered me, but I was more comfortable being by myself or with just one other person. I don't like being in front of crowds or the center of attention while talking, yet I can dance or cheer or tumble in front of a crowd and not be bothered by it.

Now that I'm a mom, I am NEVER alone (I'm a stay at home mom, also, which I like being able to do). Sometimes it is rather unnerving and I have to have my husband distract our daughter so I can get a long bath alone with my thoughts or I go supernova on them - I get upset, nothing seems to go right, and my patience wears thin - and as I don't like being upset toward my daughter or my husband, I then realize I need "time out" myself.

My daughter, who spends most of her time with me, is more like her father - a social animal even though she IS an only child. But I also notice that HER "friendships" are more superficial as well, and that she has to get her "alone time" as well, sometimes.
Reply:Yes, I believe this is true. I have never liked parties and neither has my boyfriend ever since we can remember. I am not shy, but I do not like crowds of people. I can only stand being around a few people at a time, but prefer only one on one conversations.
Reply:I think there are a lot of factors that contribute to a person's desire to be social or unsocial - their upbringing and personality being the most influential. If a person spends their childhood craving attention from their parent(s)/caregiver(s), chances are they are going to be adults who crave social interaction. It also takes someone who is comfortable with who they are to be unsocial because often those who crave social interaction feel somehow defined by the actions of others. Someone who isn't social could actually live alone without interaction for weeks at a time, but at some point, even they will reach out for human contact because it's necessary not only for survival, but also for sanity's sake, I think.

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