Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anti-social or shy?

I have many times been labeled as anti-social but only been called shy maybe three times...what is the difference between shy, anti-social or just being laid-back and not having a care in the world?

I don't talk alot and i don't approach people i don't know and certainly don't go around hitting on every hot girl out there. I hate crowed places so i avoid them. Is there a certain trait a shy person has compared to just being anti-social or relaxed?

im just curious....

Anti-social or shy?
First off, be careful about calling yourself anti-social. That implies a social disorder and usually means you're crazy. Usually someone is just asocial, which means that they prefer their own company to that of others. Sometimes this is considered elitist behavior, so you seem to think that you're better than everyone else or they aren't worth your time. This is the main difference between being seen as shy or as asocial. Asocial people function well when forced to interact with people, whereas a shy person will clam up and be uncomfortable. Asocial people don't want contact with others, but shy people want to be with others, they are just afraid.
Reply:in my opinion...

shy = takes time to speak to others until you know them a little better and then feel more comfortable with them

anti-social = activley tries to limit contact with other people finding excuses and reasons not to do things

laid-back = not bothered how things go but may approach people to start a conversation

some people hate crowds, some people hate isolation - most people are somewhere inbetween the two extreems i guess
Reply:I'm the same way. Usually people like throwing them together. Shy is usually being quiet then opening up, anti-social is just flat out not wanting to speak to anyone.

Don't feel bad :]

dental bridge

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