Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social misfit?

Social misfit?

Social misfit?


no social life

no friends

very jealous and saddend by this

feels like going madd


Social misfit?
To begin you need to ask yourself why you think your life is this way. You need to stop and identify your feelings. There lies the key to why your life is the way that it is. Your life is representing how you feel. You must identify what you feel then change it to how you want to feel. Work hard on maintaining those feeling and your life will change. It is a lot of hard work and it will feel unnatural at times but what you expect to happen whether they be good things or bad things, it will happen so why not expect good things...makes sense huh!

Try it...let me know what happens!
Reply:i honestly dont know what to say

im a complete social misfit too..

Ive tried everything.

I have no social life

I have no friends

I am depressed by it.

I need help..

Get into writing music, it should help.

That what I did.

Kinda helped.

But school was still a livinghell for me.

Hope things get better. =]

Good Luck
Reply:Hey you are not alone, so don't worry.

Having a social life, and I know when there are events going on, you can't go because you feel you would look like a loser going alone right?

Well your probably wrong. If you have no friends, then join a club, the idea may sound "lame" but seriously, just try it out for 2 weeks, if you don't like it move onto another club. Do something that interests you.

Also don't be afraid to go to events "alone". I've tried it, and its terrifying. Just get some courage and go up to people and start by saying "do you know whats going on/playing here". "can you tell me when it starts". Seriously just try, people also go to events to find friends so do the same.

Good luck hun, I've been in your shoes.

Have a new year, and try to become more confident.

Reply:maybe you need to go out more often. like go to a party, even if they don't invite you, then you'll get noticed (or in trouble). maybe you are no dressing like they do. i know this sounds tacky, but try to wear things that they wear. or wear very in-style things. they would compliment you, and you would make friends. say hi to some people that you aren't really friends with. some nice people would possibly be nice back. just try to fit it.

hope this helps!
Reply:interact with different people umm join a club or join a sports team be nice to people

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