Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Security and Illegals with duplicated numbers?

I have read that Illegal Aliens are being issued Social Security numbers that often duplicate existing citizen's numbers. I also hear that there is great pressure to simply make Illegals legal as they are.

What happens when "Juan" is made legal, and he has MY Social Security number? Does he then have rights to all my Social Security payments for him to retire on and get benefits on?

I have understood that the government WILL NOT not even check for duplicates, since it might catch a lot of Illegals that way in a crime, and have to deport them. And my Congressman told me that searching the SS data banks was physically impossible. He had been told that by SS people!

Now I know about any 2-year graduate of an IT course can set up data bank searches for duplicates in flash!

I have also heard that Congress makes billions of "free" money off the Illegal's "contributions" on the duplicated numbers, money I will not see.

Does this seem right and proper to everybody but me? Or not?

Social Security and Illegals with duplicated numbers?
then they are breaking the law and bound to get caught (hopefully)

provide a link to your story please

(but yes, immigration is a mess right now ... no doubt)
Reply:The issue with duplicates is simply this: It is legal for me to have two jobs. In fact many people (particularly lower income) have two or more jobs. This will create duplicates. Additionally, you can not just go on the payroll state as that is not always where the work is performed. I did two concurrent consulting jobs (in IT by the way). One check was from a local company, the other from a company in Texas.

The SSA does not create a new "duplicate" account when an illegal is using your SSN. Payments get applied to accounts by SSN. Since the illegal does not have the card, never changes the name on the card, does not update the address on the account, etc, the payments would actually end up going to you. The SSA would credit you with both your income and the illegals.
Reply:Where did you "hear" all these things? The government does not double-up on Social Security numbers. What would be the point in that?

If the government "makes billions" ... that's billions of taxes WE DON'T HAVE TO PAY. Geez, where do some of you people go to school? Outhouse University?

Stop the fear mongering. In fact, stop lying. I don't believe for a second that you "heard" these things. Probably just made it all up to post here and scare people.

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