Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lost social security due to warrant in washington because i had a warrant,no other reason?

i lost social security check,due to warrant in washington only,then lost my apartment,unable to pay for medications,diebetic had strokescontacted washingtonseattle,same day say they to busy,because of over 200 other warrants same waypeople loosing social security checks behind it,loosing housing and medications,wanted to turn myself in they say they wont come and get me now im on the street cant afford food housing or medication and they dont want me,say they wont be responsible for my health and now social security wants back all the money they gave me since strokes and loss of memory thats since 1995 i think,drove a guy to tex and alabama from washington,he gave me credit card to get back to seattle then had me arrested for it and he laughed about it said he didnt want to pay credit card and they wouldnt do anything to me,wish now id just payed my own way back and wrote it off as a good deed done as he stayed drunk all the way because he had just lost his pilots licence,need advise

Lost social security due to warrant in washington because i had a warrant,no other reason?
Whole story sounds fishy to me -- They do not pay ss to convicted felons but a warrant ? You could turn yourself in to a cop on the street corner and if there is indeed a warrant he must arrest you and take you to jail where you would be warm and fed.

Where did you get the computer and Internet access on the street ?
Reply:Here's an idea:

Get rid of the warrant by turning yourself in.

Let your social security payments accumulate.

When you get out of the clink, you'll have a little nest egg waiting for you.

The only thing you have left to do is STOP BREAKING THE LAW!

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