Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Should Social Security be phased out & replaced by totally tax free IRAs?

What is the point of anyone who is working and is under the age of 50 to pay taxes into Social Security when there isn't even going to be enough Social Security to pay for the baby boomers?

And to make things worse the Govt. will have to increase Social Security taxes on everyone under 50 to pay for the shortfalls because of the boomers.

Should Social Security be phased out %26amp; replaced by totally tax free IRAs?
If the bastards in Washington would pay back the money that they took out of the S.S. fund, there would be enough to give retirees to live on. The Republicans should be made to start paying it back out of their salaries. The price of this war in Iraq could have been used to make things right .
Reply:The original intent of social security was to give people who worked all their lives a federally sponsored pension plan which would pay the individual a return so that he could subsist. Too many retired workers due to age were destitute so this was put into place. SS was not meant to be the sole retirement fund. Unfortunately, too many find that SS isn't enough to let them live comfortably. At an old age they end up bagging groceries or welcoming customers at Wal- Mart.
Reply:Give me back all that money stolen from my paycheck ! A liberal President dreamed up this government Ponzi scheme, and every Congress since then has stolen the money for the General Budget. And who was in power for 90 % of those years ???? Democraps !

I can manage my money better than the Federal government...I LIVE WITHIN MY MEANS !
Reply:The Fair Tax is the only way to save this country.


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