Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social anxiety?

can anti-social lead to social anxiety?

when i went to a place that is unfamiliar or my church.i will feel abit anxious becos i fear of being judged and critise by others...when i was a sec 2,alot of my classmates hate because they judged my looks and my expression..slowly,i felt anxious when i talk to those unfamiliar people and my church friend and start perspiring non-stop..was it a social anxiety?

Social anxiety?
Social phobia can cause these feelings.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) worked best for me. I suffered from social anxiety for over 15 years. I've tried meds, individual therapy, and group therapy and studied psychology for 10 years, as a profession, but also with the hope to cure myself.

Depending on your comfort level, you could go to a psychologist that practices CBT and specializes in anxiety disorders, seek a group therapy, or create one. Usually those that do attend the group therapy are a bit more high functioning because as you know, it can be difficult to speak in a group.

Another idea is to see if there are any local research studies being conducted that you could participate in.

The program that finally worked the best for me is this one: and I was lucky enough to have a structured behavioral group to go along with it. Sometimes the people that actually attend this program come back home and form groups.

Any questions, let me know ... I can't tell you how much this has improved my life!
Reply:Yes, you are anxious about new people in new surroundings.

We all feel that anxiety to a point.

You just need to remember that you are not defined by the perceptions of others. You are only subject to your own criteria in relation to your own culture's behavior norms.


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