Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social anxiety?

Ever since I was young, I've had social anxiety when meeting new people. As I became a teenager, it became more apparent because I would have anxiety if I wanted to ask a girl out. I had a chance to go out with many girls but never asked them out because of social anxiety. Now I'm 22 year old, in graduate school, and I have a good life, but I still have social anxiety, especially around girls. What can I do to overcome this?

Social anxiety?
Well, there are a lot of medications out there that will help ease anxiety and nervousness.

but, honestly... I think it's all a mental thing. meaning that people get over it because they're taking a pill, and believe it is positively affecting them.

What I suggest is, if you have some male companions, go out with them and meet some of their female friends. From there, it wouldn't be as stressful since you always essentially have an escape route. Another thing is just to gain some confidence. tell yourself that you are capable of making conversation with a new person, a female, and if you in all honesty believe it, things will go a lot smoother than you might believe.

Anyway, I hope you realize that many people out there are do have uncomfortable feelings when meeting new people, so it is possible that you're getting worked up over talking to someone who may be just like you!

good luck
Reply:please explain this to me, if you suffer from social anxiety how come you have a good life? I mean do you have a job, house, car,???? you have pursued all those goals even though you suffer from social anxiety? if so, please tell me how you did it. please email me at
Reply:I would recommend seeing your doctory and he will put you on antidepressants. Otherwise seeing a psychiatrist will help a lot too.
Reply:I too have very bad social anxiety to the point that I have made myself sick. The best thing I have done to overcome it is make myself go to meetings, parties, etc.

I still have anxieties but they are not as severe as in the past.

I started out small and stayed as long as I felt in control and then left. The time became longer and longer.

Also because of my career and there are some situations where I can't leave. This has helped too.

Good Luck and Happy New Year
Reply:You have to ask yourself, why are you anxious in a social setting? Then tell yourself, it doesn't matter what these people think about me. Then talk to people. I have the same problem, maybe I should do this more often.

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