Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To All Social Workers.?

I am thinking of persuing a career in social work, but in all honesty I do not like social workers because of personal and "other" reasons. As a social worker can I really make a difference or am I doomed to become a charater of the state. I want to hear some postive stories of the benefits of being a social worker. My professors say that I can make a difference but they take a bum rap for a lot of things. I don't want to loss myself in the system any advice would be great.

To All Social Workers.?
Go through an MSW program, and hold true to your own values. I got my MSW when I was 40, so I am pretty secure in my beliefs. Some of the California State University Sacramento professors really try to indoctrinate more than educate so be careful. If you don't mind being harassed, speak up. If you don't like too much negative attention, just regurgitate what the libs tell you, and hold your own beliefs. I used to work for child welfare. Now I work for a foster family agency, and am a pain in the butt for the county social workers that don't do their jobs. It's kind of fun now, but working for child protection is VERY STRESSFUL. CPS social worker surpassed air traffic control as the most stressful job.
Reply:Social workers mean well but I've never heard of them doing anything for anyone except refer people to some agency or another.
Reply:don't go into that .

find some other helpful thing to do that is real and is not so tied up in what the latest trend in thinking is .
Reply:try it if you don't like it, you can enter into other areas.
Reply:Judging any professions by a few interactions with a few people is probably not a great way to pick or stay away from a career. There are literally millions of social workers in the United States and many times that around the world. Social work is one of the most versatile careers with the option of working at many system levels to produce change for the benefit of many different types of client groups. Not all social workers work in the system (some work outside it). Not everybody is going to fit or like social work. Social work takes a social justice approach to working with social problems and is concerned with improving the person environment fit by addressing both the person and the environment. If your interest is in working just with individual or personal challenges then counseling or psychology can be a better fit (though social workers provide the majority of psychotherapy in the U.S). Can you make real change as a social worker, of course you can, many social workers make real change every day. How do you not get lost in the system. As with any other job it is about maintaining and developing a professional identity and support system that challenges you to grow and see yourself as a social worker first and an employee second. DA


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