Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Services scam....?

If someone that you work with who is just an employee (No manager duties) fills out a verification of employment for their family member (family member is definently not employeed at the work place) with social services to verify a job that they do not have. Social services calls to verify and finds out that someone falsfully tried to verify employment. What would happen to the two people involved if reported to authoritys. And, what should the owner of the company do to that employee who lied and tried to pull a social services scam? This person has already been involved is similiar scams.

Social Services scam....?
FIRE them and have the police press charges - the only way they are going to learn, if they learn at all. At least the owner is not going to be involved in the scam.
Reply:Sorry, this person is dishonest and needs to be reprimanded. The issue people have with social service agencys IS that people "work the system"
Reply:they are both subject to prosicution
Reply:the things people do for family. Why would social services need to verify employment anyway? Plus the fact that no one verified anything? means that an actual crime did not take place. Now you can punish the employee in many this really what you want to do?

Have you even tried discussing it with this employee?

is this person a good worker? getting the job done? will firing this person put them on unemployement at the employers expense?

what about retaliation? it goes two way you know?


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