Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social status- does it really matter?

In a spin off to someone elses question, how likely is it that a person of top social status would date a person of social status zero? How likely is it that a man of top social status would date me a zero status student? Does it depend on looks?

Social status- does it really matter?
hey there she has class. well i think ppl who only date ppl coz of there social status are very sad i definatly don't give a damn, its what you feel inside for each other that counts eh? as for looks, well if u fell in love with some1 at first sight you've fallen for the way they look and not for who they are. But not every1 beleives in love at first sight, i don't. you can be sexually attracted to some1 at first sight but how can u love some1 you don't even know? hope this answers ur question. =)
Reply:thanx hon 4 choosing me =) don't ya just hate it when ppl totally mis understand ur questions and then have a go at ya 4 it, i knew it was just a hypathetical question. x Report It

Reply:sorry spelt it wrong i meant hypothetical in case some1 tells me off =) Report It

Reply:i think a rich man will date a poor woman more likely than a rich woman willing to date a poor man.
Reply:Highly unlikely
Reply:I dont care about my social status. Honestly. I just live MY life and am happy with who I know and the relationships I am involved in. Relationships meaning family friends and my amazing boyfriend.
Reply:It depends on the person. If you have that chemistry, you have it, regardless of social status or whatever else. It depends what is important to who. There are many stuck-up, out-of-touch-with-the-world ppl up there, then there are people who don't pay so much attention to that. Don't get me wrong, I doubt a CEO would date a homeless woman, but you get my point. I am a receptionist, one of the partners of our IT company who we are a client of, was really into me and we had a very passionate relationship for months, social status was never an issue. He was just concerned that I do something that makes me happy. He would convince me to pursue my singing. We broke up for a completely different reason.

So, it just depends on the person. A good person is a good person.
Reply:Students are up in the air because lots of students are ambitious and have the qualities that someone of high stature desires. People living off state aid not attempting to work just don't possess the qualities a real person wants. They want someone who thinks alike, behaves alike and whatnot. Just like a gangsta homey G snoopy dog wouldn't want to 'seriously' date a high society prude. It's just not what they want, and the comfort level wouldn't be there.
Reply:Im a woman. If I loved a man I would date him regardless of his social status. True love can conquer all.
Reply:Social status = Santa clause

It Only exist if you want it to.
Reply:just as long you two can get along and happy together, this social status wouldn't be an issue. but stay smart.
Reply:if you both like each other then no it shouldn't matter

i don't see myself as an social status but then again i wouldn't be with someone that couldn't help support his family and be a sponge

but theres hope for you but you have to be in places to meet him he ain't going to be in the so called lower class haunts is he

why would you be looking for someone of high class anyway start just looking for a nice decent guy that works and treats you right

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