Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Social belief of a society depends upon of its social ideal. If the ideal is wrong, the belief is immoral."..

"Social belief of a society depends upon of its social ideal. If the ideal is wrong, the belief is immoral." Embelish.

"Social belief of a society depends upon of its social ideal. If the ideal is wrong, the belief is immoral."..
Social beliefs and ideals are a very nebulous way of describing the morality of a "society".

Ideals are just that; ideals to strive for and usually these are regarded by a society as good.

However there are so many people on this planet that there are many different ideals and these ideals can and do change over time.

A belief can not, in and of itself, be either moral of immoral. It depends on the perception of the person making the above statement.
Reply:Study the Lilliput story. The queen had fell down by wearing a high-heel. So the king ordered not to wear high-heels.
Reply:All depends on who is judging the immorality ? For all can be normal by ones standards and not another.
Reply:The world is changing %26amp; changing very fast. One can't live in isolation but in society %26amp; still the society has to keep mum %26amp; accept an unsocial human being or a family, ireesepective of what social beliefs are. What ever the social tabboos were previously, now nobdy is agrreing to them like gay marriages, living togehter without marriage etc. Though it all forms a part of our ideals which make our belief but then the ideals are self decided %26amp; are never same %26amp; hence there are conflicts. This will continue till the end of the world. The person asking this question may also be violating many such ideals (knowingly or unknowingly) %26amp; hence disturbing the social belief.

root canal

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