Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Questions about social work..?

Just wondering why ppl say social workers get paid very little....how much exactly is little and shouldnt ppl in social work be doing it because they enjoy helping other ppl? im looking into taking social work in university, but unsure what the school work will be like....what kinds of tpics do you study and discuss?

I think it is my calling to be a social worker but im terrible in school. but just wondering about this stuff, if u have any more info just post it. i am ok to deal with child abuse, juvenile delinquents, etc i would like to work for the childrens aid society one day.

Questions about social work..?
Yes, most people who go into social work do it because they want to help others. Often, a social worker has personal experience with the population that they specialize in serving - for example, recovering addicts go into substance abuse treatment. You don't have to be an excellent student. Most social work students are better at English and Social Sciences than they are at Math or physical science, although I think this is more an issue of aptitude and interest than of ability. Anyway, the classes I had to take for my Associate in Applied Science, Social Work were: A couple classes on the history of social work in this country, a class on Social Work values and ethics, a couple psych classes, record keeping (such as cases notes), interview techniques, substance abuse, and of course all the basic gen ed classes that freshmen and sophomores take. As juniors, we became much more focused on specific populations such as abused, poverty, drug, children, etc., and exposure to the DSMIV (diagnostic tool, although you need a Masters to diagnose.) Also some policy classes (very important to Social Workers - unpleasant but vital) and agency types such as non-profit, private -- lots of technical stuff. You need to learn about such matters as policy, funding, community resources. At University of Michigan, I also had to take two semesters of forgeign language, and two science lab classes. And of course there is the internship, depending on your school and placement as far as paid or unpaid, your choice of placement or your program director's. Certainly a Bachelor level social worker can make an adequate living - with a Masters, even a good living. But no, the rewards are generally not financial.
Reply:The pay depends on experience and varies a great deal. Topics studied in social work are human behavior, diversity, grassroots organizing, communities, research, generalist practice with individuals and groups, and policy. When you go for a Masters you study more counseling techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive behavioral therapy and so on. You will study forensic interviewing, further study research methods and policy, child development, mental health, DSM and medications and so on. As long as you apply yourself, study, and read your assignments you will do fine. You to not have to be a fantastic student and make all A's. What is important is that you understand what you are studying and you can apply it in the field.

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