Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can someone have social anxiety disorder, but still be very confident in some social situations?

I believe I already know that the answer to this is affirmative, but I don't understand the details of how %26amp; why. Wouldn't you think that being an actor would be the most social anxiety producing thing possible? But some great actors seem to have symptoms of social anxiety, like Robert Deniro. He rarely does interviews, and looks terribly self-concious in paparazzi photos. Over the last few years, things like shopping and attending happy hour (or other small group things) with relatively new people usually brings me considerable anxiety. But, I can be very confident in work situations and about 1/2 of social functions. So, can social anxiety be "spotty" or only a problem in some situations? I've researched the disorder a bit, but seen little, if any, reference to it being spotty.

Can someone have social anxiety disorder, but still be very confident in some social situations?
People express themselves differently in stressful situations. I am horribly shy. However, when I tell people that, they don't believe me. One reason for that is in the way I deal with the situation. Out of nervousness, I talk incessantly.

I was a psych major in college and I took puclic speaking classes. One of the things I learned is that when people are in that situation, their adrenaline really starts to flow. Most often, they will over-act because of it. Although people may not recognize this as nervousness or discomfort, often times it is. It is in fact, often times, the outward expression of the tension that people perceive as confidence.

So, to answer your question. I do not think it is spotty. However, familiarity does play a part. Obviously, if people are in a social situation which is familiar to them, they are more like to be more comfortable.
Reply:The situations you have problems with are they ones that you would avoid given the choice? If they are you don't have a disorder, you just have desire not to be doing what you are doing.:)
Reply:Everyone is mildly socially anxious but for those who have been diagnosed with an actual disorder it can really vary from person to person.

I myself am a socially anxious person and more often than not I can be found quivering in the coat room or running away from the crowd. However there are some instances where I overcompensate for my obvious social inadequacies and seem like the centre of attention.

So I'd have to say yes, there are people who's social anxiety is spotty and it doesn't have to be a constant issue to still be a serious/real problem.
Reply:robert deniro is confident acting because he knows hes a good actor and that he will do gr8.

i was very shy last year in skool but i was a gr8 guitar player...i was shy around ppl but when i got on the stage i did gr8 and i was pretty confident even tho i was watched by a looooooot of ppl

so if ur "sure" ull do well...ull b confident no matter how many persons r watching u.

but for example ur not that confidsent cauz ur not so sure the other person will like u...ur not sure ull do gr8. ur confident aroud ur friends cauz u know they like u...
Reply:I'm sometimes confident with people i know well and feel comfortable with.

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