Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Security Question-error in your favor?

my grandmother is on social security, she normally gets a monthly payment of $800 (direct deposit) Today she called the bank and they told her that there was $21,000 in her account from social security. Is there something new with social security going on, or did they make a huge error and she is really lucky?

Social Security Question-error in your favor?
Yes, somebody made a huge error. But that doesn't make her really lucky - they'll want it back. It would be stealing, by the way, to try to keep it if they didn't notice. And they'll almost certainly notice.

Call the social security office and tell them about it.
Reply:2 1/2 times the regular payment without a letter of explanation is definitely an error. The government WILL take the money back. The sooner you contact them, the less painful the process will be.
Reply:as far as i know there is nothing new going on with social security. i strongly suggest you contact the nearest ss office and tell them the problem, and for god's sake do not let your grandmother spend any of the money above her normal $800 check. trust me the government made a mistake and when they check it and they will they will want their money back.
Reply:She shouldn't spend the overpayment. She will need to pay it back. Best she calls social security office soon.

Virago Jim

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