Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Social networks for over 18s only?

Hi I'm a 16 year old and still at school, I have a concern with social networks.

Many kids are spending too much time on these and its becoming a bit of an obsession.

Going on these networks for a short time isn't probably bad but the kids at school are always trying to find ways they can access the social networks through these proxy unblockers. They go on it at school and then when their at home their on it as well. All that they do is type comments that usually are there so make them look good and as everyone will see these comments and some people usually say somethings that they wouldn't actully say to someone to face.

Its getting a bit anoyying now and I dont think under 16s or 18s should be allowed.

I think its ok for adults but i dont think kids are getting out as much!

And also.after a full 9 hours day at school where your with your friends alll day......some people jump staright onto the social networks to keep in touch...? Why? they alredi been with them all day ?

Social networks for over 18s only?
Smarty pants - You sound a bit like a geek. You need to worry a little bit less what everyone else is doing and more on your own life.

Dont worry its all part and parcel of being a teenager. Defying the rules etc ....... chill man.
Reply:I agree. I think it's rediculous, but my "sad excuse" is talking to someone who i have been "stalking" for a while now. We all need to get out more often.


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