Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social services rights uk?

I have a dilemma my mothe ris diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, a couple of months back she received 70k from the reposession residue money of her property, throughout i helped her,rappresented her in court and gave her money, now this social worker has come in the middle and mother has givenhim total control of the money, i asked that i be informed as to what is happening as I am 25 and her next of kin. The social worker distinctly denied this as having asked mother she succintly said no. I asked for his supervisor`s name he refused to give it.

I do not believe my mother is able to make decisions for herself, due to her illness hse spend all day just sitting down staring out of the window and is unable mentally to make such decisions.

I have a meeting on friday with this social worker, what can i do?

Social services rights uk?
Hire an attorney immediately. If you can't afford a lawyer, seek pro bono help.

It sounds as if the social worker is overstepping her authority.

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