Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Skills...?

I used to have great social skills, but then this year (my first year of highschool) all my best friends ditched me for no reason and I was left alone. When they left I guess they took all my confidence and social skills too. When people DO talk to me I can never think of anything to say on the spot and end up just saying yeah and nodding along and they eventually become bored since i can't think of anything funny to say. 5 minutes later I come up with all these things I should have said and it drives me crazy! Does anyone have any ideas on how I can gain social skills and confidence on the spot? Most logical response gets best answer!

Social Skills...?
You can also learn to be a good listener, its not only by talking that you attract friends. Don,t doubt your intelligence or allow self doubt about your ability, just easy up and show interest in what others do, ask questions about what they do, what they like or their hobbies, get them to talk about themselves, really listen and show you are interested in what they are saying (to the point that two weeks later, you can actually go to someone and ask how that dog, they were talking about, two weeks ago, is doing now) you know what I mean) once you don,t put yourself under the pressure of wanting to out talk them, or be witty and smart-talking and all that, you will find you relax and before you know it, your funny, smart, witty self will start coming out.
Reply:If you can't think of anything to say, the easiest way to keep people interested is to be interested in them... people love it when you show interest in their lives! Ask questions, respond so that it's clear you've heard what they have said, etc.

Also, practice! Make small talk with everyone you meet... and eventually it will become easy again. Good luck!
Reply:it's cuz ur worried that you mite say the wrong things...but no one cares really, be yourself; you know u have the skills
Reply:you probably lost your social skills and confidence when your friends left you because you are worried that others will do the same. be sure to not think that everyone will end up turning their backs on you. when i talk to people and don't know what to say i usually say, "well," and pause for a little, then say what i thought of. good luck

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