Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social anxiety, how to overcome this?

First of all, therapist don't do nothing but say their opinions and get paid for it.

I have social anxiety, whenever going out, I feel so nervous, I hate going out socializing with others.

When I'm at home, I feel so relaxed, comfortable and would love to just work at home instead of working with other people.

whenever leaving my home and going to school, I feel stomach ache ... Every time, I just feel like I should just stay instead of going to school.

When my friends are going to party or wedding, I just make up excuses of doing homework Or being sick.

I'm afraid of people laughing at me, making fun of me Or just calling me crazy/retard.

I would love to have a job where I'm just relaxing at home, watching movies, eating and not dealing with people.

How to overcome this social anxiety since I can't live my life hiding from people? people hurt me most of the times and that's why I have social anxiety

Social anxiety, how to overcome this?
Don't worry I suffer from the same thing. But I remind myself everyday that I have to do these things or I will never enjoy life. So I push myself to do something different everyday( it could be going out to movies,speaking out in class,talking to new people, going to the mall.) just doing things that social people would think nothing of. If you never face your fears how can you overcome them? I had stage fright until I decided to audition for a play, and guess what? After that, getting on a stage in front of other is no problem for me.

I was also afraid of what others thought of me, now it does'nt matter, as long as I'm satisfied and happy who cares what they think. You should feel the same way too. As for people hurting you, I think everyone has their feelings hurt sometime in their lifetime, it's normal. Just laugh and shrug it off, and go on with life. Really hopes this helps!
Reply:My husband has this bad. I think there are many things that can be done. First, have you considered therapy? A lot of times things like this come from issues stemming from your past or you may find the root of your problem thru talking to a professional. However, social anxiety is definetly something that stems from fear, and rooted in mis-perceptions. You probably suffer from mile paranoia when your around people....and I can tell you I have anxiety that is more general but sometimes pokes its nasty head in social situations and I know how it feels to think i'm the center of everyone's judgements. But, i've learned to just tell that voice in my mind to go to hell because its a lie! Our minds tell us things all the time that are not true. It takes practice , willingness and commitment and you can overcome this. Trust me , life is a lot better when you trust people and have healthy relationships. You don't have to be a party animal but to overcome this will only enhance your life for the better. Alsol, there is the option of meds coupled with therapy to get you thru for a while...just don't rely soley on the meds because they simply cover the symptoms. good luck!
Reply:I went through the same thing when I came back from Iraq. All I wanted to do was stay in my room and do nothing. I would find excuses not to go with my friends. Since I am in the military the VA took care of me, since 2004 I have taken Zoloft and see my therapist. Also at one point I saw another counselor that had been through the same situation, it was nice to relate. I have been through a lot since then and it is hard. Heck, for the longest time I was afraid to drive over bridges. If you do not have anyone to talk to, start a journal and write down what you are feeling. That could help to figure out what is really going on, something deeper. You never know. Good luck.
Reply:Get more information about some ways to overcome your fear, anxiety and phobia at my profile.
Reply:Sorry don't know the answer but I so know how you feel I hate going out too and whenever I do go out and let myself say something to other people I feel so embarrassed after like what are they going to think of me or man the sounded dumb having social anxiety is so hard....I really hope you will find the answers your looking for...Good luck.
Reply:i had this pretty bad, still do, kinda. I found that forcing yourself out there (scary) helps. I had a rough start because i was in high school and very very very shy. so i told myself "force yourself to talk to people and it will go away" so to do the scariest thing possible, i talked to the prettiest girl in the school ... bad idea. got shot down, laughed at, and threatened by her boyfriend. nice. so fast forward 10 years, i've found it helps to talk to people that have to talk to you. like if you're shopping for something, find a salesman and has him all kinds of questions about stuff. in the end try to buy it from the guy who's ear you talked off so that you don't waste his time. I was buying a guitar a while ago, and i already knew which one i got, but i asked the sales guy all kinds of questions, about the guitar, the guitar he plays, what he thought of guitars i've had, if he plays other instruments, what guitar books he likes yada yada, when i sensed he was getting sick of me i bought the guitar (about an hour later hehe). Also, if you get a customer service job it will help a lot. ive had jobs where im working a desk dealing with people face to face. and all kinds of people (nice, mean, stupid, smart, ugly, pretty, old, young) and i became a lot more comfortable just with people in general. then i got a job in a call center, talking to about 120 people a day. now im a computer programmer, so i can sit in my dark corner cubicle and not talk to anyone all day. i prefer the quiet job, but its nice to know that if someone corners me i can hold a conversation without peeing myself :)

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