Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Security and low income housing help please?

I am from the USA and I am currently on Social Security and so is my boyfriend we want to move to Chelmsford England

I don't know where to get info on stuff like applying for SSI and SSDI or how long it will take or how much and often I would get paid from Social Security does anyone know of any websites that give info on this stuff or a phone number I could call to apply for Social Security also any low income apartment phone numbers?

Social Security and low income housing help please?
Excuse me - but what exactly makes you think you have the right to come here and immediately claim benefits? Why should we support you?

Either get a job or stay in your own country.

Fricking cheek.
Reply:Your having a laugh
Reply:You will need work to support yourself, or family that will support you to move to England.

Visit inland revenue website -

You will find out more.

Good Luck.x
Reply:Google the Job Centre Plus website for more info. You will need to check on residency requirements with them too. You will need to actively seek work unless ill though and can't do any form of work and submitting medical evidence.
Reply:If you are not yet in the UK and claiming benefits then it is unlikely you will be able to as you are a Visa National and will probably have restrictions on your stay such as no recourse to public funds (no claiming benefits)

Have a look on the department for work and pensions website if you are already in UK...if you are not here then you will find out more info on the website of the UK Home office
Reply:I think that you will find that you are not able to get any support. I know a South African family who have moved over here and they are not entitled to anything until they have lived and worked here for five years - which is as it should be unless you are a genuine refugee or are from the EU countries.

You are going to have to get a job over here first and a company to sponser you - and I think it has to be a skills shortage. Both parents in the family I know are teachers who teach shortage subjects ie, maths and science.
Reply:Maybe you and your boyfriend should try getting a job!
Reply:Have you ever actually had a job? Or have you always fee loaded off everyone else all of your life? Before you come here, I suggest that you get a job and give us a reason why you think that we might actually want you here. Damned cheek.


Here's the first number you need to call before you start your entry process, it's 0871 789 3642. Hold the line and be patient, it could take a few minutes to get an answer.
Reply:Please , this is taking the P.

Unfortunately this couple will probably get all they ask for, they are scroungers and everyone knows, the more lazy you are in this country, the more you get.

I say send them back until they can come here, and pay their way, as WE would have to in the USA
Reply:Ms Minger while I do agree with you, they are doing it BECAUSE THEY CAN, it is the Government at fault here....
Reply:Why should we pay for you to live here.? Get a job in your own country...
Reply:bloody moocher
Reply:nice to see our tax dollars paying for your move, you could try *gasp* working since you do not sound disabled, as most disabled people would not be able to handle a flight that long

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