Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Problems with social services *all i ask is that i be runited with my little girl once again*thanx for helping

lets start with... i was accused of felony child abuse and went threw hell to finally get into court and get found innocent as everyone in my and my fiance's family already knew i was... anyhow i was wondering how can i get my name removed from the no contact list with my little girl i already went down to social services and they told me that there was nothing i could do and i was told by my aunt *batcholers degree in social services* that i could file for an appeal but social services told me that if and when i get the letter stating this i have 30 days to file and i havent recieved this letter that they speak of and so they wouldnt give me the appeal form i was also wondering since i live in wisconsin is there anything that madison *head honcho for social services* could do for me to get this taken care of.... if you have any questions email me at heavenly69nightmare@hotmail.com if you help me i can be very generous to you as i have alot of resources that will be of great interest

Problems with social services *all i ask is that i be runited with my little girl once again*thanx for helping
I understand your feeling of desperation. If I am of help to you, that is enough thanks for me.

The system is broken. I know the laws are to protect, but they just go too darn far sometimes.

Get a good lawyer that specializes in family law. You need legal help. Someone who knows what to file and where to file it.

Don't take chances with something as precious as your little girl.

Good luck and may God be with you.

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