Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Social Services?

Just so you know, Im On my Dads Account, And im 13 Years Old to start off.

I slept over at my friends house a few days ago and when we got there, her parents were out. When they got back they were talking about selling something and how they lost it and they were argueing about it, Then i realised they were talking about selling Pot. They were also smoking it and drunk. I told my friend that while we were there, And i said dont you care? She replied "Thats how we get money". Should They be Turned Into Social Services? My dad knows about it also. He talked to her about it he said they should be turned into social services. And she said she knew about social services and what they could do. Should we turn their parents in? The family there are 2 babies, 1 5 Year Old, And 2 13 Year old Girls. Would they get taken away from their parents?

Social Services?
Social services do more harm than good. I would mind your own business and drop it. Being a nosy 13 year old is going to get you no where and fast. Also, if CPS get's involved, removes the kids, lies, violates somebodies constitutional rights and ends up getting dragged to federal court, they will be pointing the finger at you as the cause. This happens all the time. Keep you nose clean and worry about this type of stuff when your an adult kiddo.
Reply:That is a very bad situation to be in, I'm so sorry. You're friends family could be in serious trouble. If a drug deal goes bad, children could be injured, or worse. They are in danger now considering their parents are under the influence, and they left underage children at home unsupervised. Did they take the babies with them while in possession and under the influence? Think about them. If your dad knows about it, he should think about the kids involved. It's a hard thing to do, but you have to think about the protection of the innocent. These parents need to get their act together.

Yes, they would probably go to another family member to care for them, such as a grandparent, aunt or uncle. If none are in the vicinity, they would most likely go to foster care temporarily. It also depends on the severity of the drug involvement and how quickly they can clean up their act.

Good luck.
Reply:If the kids aren't being abused and the parents aren't on amphetamines or alcoholics then I don't think it's something to call social services about.

But to answer your question yes they'd be taken away, parents would go to prison for years, the kids would be separated from eachother and their friends, they would most likely be moved to different schools, and end up drug users or just plain screwed up later in life because of the messed up families in the foster homes social services put them in.
Reply:Some would say no, because they might take the kids. But it would hopefully wake the parents up and put the kids welfare before their drug habit. Also, what kind of effect does this environment have on the kids? Not good. I say, call and let the division of family services do what is necessary to protect these kids from being as messed up as their parents.
Reply:that stuff is none of your business. leave it alone. you can turn your friend into your enemy if you do something about and break their family up. just leave it alone, and let someone else snitch on them.
Reply:Gosh, why can't you just mind your business. Nobody is ever going to invite you over to their house anymore. Dude, mind ya bees wax. If they ain't beating on them then let them make money, don't break up their family cuz u think yours is perfect.
Reply:You should really mind you own business if the children are not being mistreated.
Reply:That is a very sticky situation. What they are doing is potentially destructive to the children, and is illegal. If they are selling drugs and are arrested and prosecuted they could go to jail and lose the children to relatives or foster care. If your father knows these people well, he might be willing to talk to them about what they are doing, but honestly I doubt that would change anything. Your father might want to talk to social services "hypothetically" about his concerns, he would not have to mention any names. Then he might be better able to weigh the options and decide what to do.
Reply:probably,but i personally don't feel that's your right to decide...if the kids feel its affecting them they can do it have to understand that you can ruin AN ENTIRE FAMILY'S LIFE by reporting it....look into every aspect..are the kid's happy? does the family have the resources it needs?...if the answer is yes then let them be,no one is getting beaten,and if it works for them,then let them continue...think about how much of an effect this will have on them before doing anything
Reply:It is not your responsibility as a child to be reporting another family to social services. Your father must make a judgment and act accordingly.

If the parents are arrested, the children will, in all likelihood, be placed in temporary foster care.

If you are truly worried about this, talk to an adult you trust at school, such as a teacher.
Reply:they probably would be taken away in the long run

%26amp; it may sound like a cliche but its really best for them. I think you should do it.

and thats sooo sad but you dont want those babies to grow up like the parents. sorry. good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Reply:Whether they are using drugs or drinking excessively they are putting their children in jeopardy. It's better to turn them in before the kids get hurt because of neglect or accident. Drunks and dopers cannot take care of babies!

Think of the kids and call SS.

that's called SNITCHING!!!!!!!
Reply:Tell your dad everything and let HIM make that decision.

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