Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Replacement Social Security Card never received.?

I started a new job in Sept and was required to show my social security card. I had lost my social security card and provided a receipt that showed I was being sent a replacement. I was supposed to show that card within 90 days. My employer just informed me today that I have until the 6th of Dec to show an original card. I was told according to federal law my employer will have no choice but to terminate my employment if an original card is not provided.

I applied for a replacement card, but never received it in the mail. Is there a way to get an extension on the 90 day period?

Does anyone know what the federal law is? It is not going to be possible for me to show my social security card the replacment got lost in the mail.

Replacement Social Security Card never received.?
I'm not sure, but here is information concerning replacement credit cards:




The employer can verify your social security number without seeing the card. See:


The employer wants a copy of the card for his/her protection so that in case he/she is audited, he will have the record.


Contact your local SS office to find out what the delay is.

Plead with your employer to not terminate you and to wait, but if he won't, see if you can be placed on a leave of absence until the replacement card shows up.


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