Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social relations?

can social relations be family or friends.. i don't really understand it.. my previous question was what is the impact of technology on social relations? so does social relations means the relationship between people?? very confuse....@_@

Social relations?
I believe that social relations means the interaction and communication between different parties. It could be friends, families members, co-workers or strangers.

Using the term technology, I believe it means items like IRC / Internet, mobile phones, on line games....etc etc...these technologies advancements do assist in enhancing social relations such as mobile phones...however, some technologies (e.g. computer games) encourages anti-social behaviour...

Hope what i've written is of some help...

If you want to know more e-mail me on

Cheers n good luck!
Reply:Ask a pro. A couselor or psycologist (like Frasier Crane).
Reply:Personal relationship is different from social relationship. the social relationship is for your friendship and other involvement in the society according the pattern of the area or place or country aspects. In all relationship, love is important to hang on.

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