Sunday, July 11, 2010

How do you learn social skills?

I need to learn how to network (create business relationships) and make friends who are healthy and concerned with bettering themselves (according to their own values).

I've been a bit of a social recluse for the past few years and have lost most of the friends I used to have (but they really weren't good for me anyway). I have created a few business relationships in the past couple of years, but I need to make them stronger.

Also, I've never had great social skills to begin with... I tend to have a very difficult time initiating and maintaining friendships. I am somewhat comfortable behaving in a professional "social" capacity, but I'm terribly awkward in true social settings where there is more than one other person present, and I don't know how to turn a friendly acquaintance into a friend.

What should I do to learn how to build social and business relationships, converse comfortably in a social setting, and network effectively?

Are there any books you'd recommend?

How do you learn social skills?
How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie - a classic that still is one of the best.

I was always told "To make a friend be a friend..."
Reply:myspace! business section!
Reply:all you have to do is practice, if you want to be good at somthing, then practice. like, ..idk go up to poeple and ask them somthing, or go a party and talk with people...hope that helps
Reply:too long

from parents and experience
Reply:Practice, practice, practice. I have the same problem you do so I try to force myself to go to political functions and I try to socialize with people to whom I may need as social and professional links to others. Don't be affraid to do this because everyone does it. They may not admit it but they do it.

Always keep appointments with others, always keep it professional, and always I MEAN ALWAYS, listen to what others say and never repeat anything. I mean social gossip. You could do like I do and

"hear all but say nothing."

Good luck.
Reply:Here is just a suggestion, you could try a bit of volunteering. It allows you to network without fear of making a huge mistake. Plus, volunteers are needed in so many areas.

Reply:Hey lassie don't worry socialising is so easy even children have no problem with it.

you don't need a book everyone's a potential friend.

friends tend to have things in common often their sense of humour is a very strong initially attractor.

good luck now you're back out of your shell.


p.s i've e-mailed the first answerer I advise you and to do the same
Reply:MOST people feel socially akward. That's something you have to realize.

When you think of someone socially capable, what is it about THEM you like.

Whether you are outgoing or not, mimmic those behaviours lets say, you respect when "she said hello to me in the lunch room". So you go to another random person and say hello.

Also, keep in mind as people get older, they have more responsibilities... they have jobs and family. When you say you are looking for an upgrade from social aquaintences to friends, you have keep in mind that life isn't like highschool where you all 'hang out' after work.

Anybody can change.

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