Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social work fields?

Is there anyone out there who knows a bit about the different types of fields for social workers. Im starting my MSW and i still need to pick a concentration...i was thinking health care but still im not sure. I want something that i wont end up dreading later on. I want to enjoy my work but also not have to suffer financially. Anyone out there a school social worker? Did you like it? Anyone out there work as social worker in a hospital? Do you enjoy it?

Social work fields?
I was trained as a Social Worker. There are jobs in:



Senior Homes

Juvenile Homes


Boys/Girls Ranches

Rehabilitation Centers

Women Centers/Youth Centers


In health care you are working with people who are facing illness or death and their families. You must be good at this type and style of work for it to benefit others and for you to be happy. It is hard and demanding. In the middle of the night someone may have a relative (parent or child or teen) who got into a car accident and you must counsel them or help them cope. You are there for the patient and there loved ones. Those dieing of cancer, undergoing surgery, or loss of limb. You must be compassionate, tactful, soft, and loving to do this work.

These postions are greatly needed and they pay well with benefits.

Social Work is hard no matter where you do it. The burnout rate is high and you never feel appreciated. But good social workers are needed. The hardest are prisons, hospitals, senior homes, and probation/parole. You never feel appeciated and it can be long hours or night hours.

I always wanted to work with youth and that is what I have done. It is rewarding and you can change a teens life.
Reply:The field of Social Work has made many advances--professionally %26amp; financially over the past few decades. Have you ever thought about outpatient Mental Health work? You could do direct services--and if you like, you could move more into program administration later on.


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