Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social differences between a society organized on a personal religious basis or social religious basis?

What are the social differences between a society organized on a personal religious basis like the Hebrews, and one organized on a social religious basis like the polytheists? Does it have anything to do with the roles that rulers play, the way law is organized and understood, and the relative attractions of the two religions to outsiders?

Social differences between a society organized on a personal religious basis or social religious basis?
Personal, self-governing religion allows vastly more freedom. This culminated with the quantum leap of the United States, the first Libertarian Auto-theocracy (with the possible exception of Switzerland). Freed from the baggage of kings, despots, tyrants, etc., the US accomplished more in 2 centuries than all of humanity in the preceding 50-60 centuries of recorded history
Reply:don't really understand the question

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