Sunday, July 11, 2010

Which Universities have Social Sciences Degrees with Year One as a Foundation Year?

Which Universities have Social Sciences Degrees with Year One as a Foundation Year? That means no matter what Social Sciences degrees students take, they will study different Social Sciences disciplines (for examples, Politics/Government, Economics, Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Social Policy etc.) in Year One.

Which Universities have Social Sciences Degrees with Year One as a Foundation Year?
All universities in the U.S. offer these courses in their curriculum for first year college students. How many you take is a matter of the course load you carry, as other courses are also important such as English 101, Math 120 or 121, Science (biology, chemistry, astrology, geology, etc.), and Social Sciences and/or electives. A course meets 3 hrs./wk. and 4 courses is considered a full time load. I recommend you meet with an academic advisor at Student Services prior to attending college to work out your academic schedule. Their service is free to prospective and current students. Best wishes.
Reply:If you're romantic and like it quiet you should try University of Kent at Canterbury,UK.
Reply:Try Argosy University - I was exposed to a broad range of courses in psychology, sociology, criminology, history and systems, etc. when I got my BA in psychology there. is their website. best of luck!
Reply:My Subject here Social Science got an MA in this. Do a search. I don't know what country you come from, in order to help you. But best of luck with it.
Reply:university of toronto arts and science has a general first year policy.
Reply:The Open University is a good choice. And you can be awarded certificates and diploma from different strands within the socials sciences.

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