Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social question please help.?

During the depression of the 1930s, a new political party in Alberta, the social credit party, suggested a radical solution to the huge problem of unemployment in the province. The social credit party proposed to give $25 a month-this was a lot of money at the time-to every albertan to use as they wished.

Write a paragraph describing the economic reasoning behind the Social Credit Party's idea that was expressed in the reading.

Social question please help.?
well the party thought by giving people some money , the people would use the money to start a new bussiness or learn a new trade to make more money,thus creating new jobs and the amount of unemployed people would be less. and the people could go spend the money to buy stuff froma bussiness and the bussiness would grow and hire more people , once again reducing the enemployed.

GOod luck
Reply:Don't have time right now to do your homework.
Reply:What reading? I think you're on your own?
Reply:Alberta is in Canada. Which has provinces.

I don't believe that the depression experienced in the United States affected the country of Canada.

Unfortunately, if what you are saying is true, then I would have no knowledge of what took place in Canada. Sorry.
Reply:For a "National Credit Office" - to calculate on a statistical basis the amount of credit that should be circulating in the economy. For a "Just Price" - a price adjustment mechanism to absorb windfall profits in times of inflation, and return them to people in terms of subsidized, lower prices when the cost of goods on the market exceeds the money available to buy them. For a "National Dividend", to give a basic guaranteed income to all regardless of whether or not they have a job.

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