Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social Security... The Real Truth...?

These are REAl facts, so what is your opinion on this issue?

Since many people have paid into S.S. for years and are

now receiving a S.S. check every month -- and then finding that they are getting taxed on 85% of the money they paid into it -- you may be interested in the following:

Q: Which Political Party took Social Security from the

independent "Trust Fund " and put it into the

general fund so that Congress could spend it?

A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the democratically

controlled House and Senate.

Q: Which Political Party eliminated the income tax

deduction for Social Security (FICA) withholding?

A: The Democratic Party.

Q: Which Political P arty started taxing Social

Security annuities?

A: The Democratic Party, witth Al Gore casting the

"tie-breaking" deciding vote as President of the

Senate, while he was Vice President of the US.

Social Security... The Real Truth...?
The Democrats also say it is unfair for "rich" people to get their social security benefits (whatever "rich" means). The government taxes the social security you pay as you earn it, then they tax it when they give it to you. The reason "rich" people get it is because it was originally considered an old-age insurance plan, so that the government could tax it as it was being paid. Rich people have the same right to collect on an insurance plan as people of modest income. Double and triple taxation was unconstitutional once upon a time.

People should take the money they had deducted over their lifetimes, and double that for the "contribution" from their employers, and apply 5% interest compounded to see how much the government has taken from us. In my case it is $465,000. And I am not "rich".
Reply:if i looked something up on republicans, would i find your picture??and i could make a list much longer on the stuff just BUSH has much was gas when clinton was in office? oh thats right .99 a gallon. how much debt were we in?oh considerably none. i hate
Reply:Is there a question?
Reply:Sorry, this list is false. See
Reply:Actually, Social Security was moved to the General Fund for the opposite reason. The Medicare Act would have bankrupted the trust and additional funds were needed to keep it afloat.

Actually, Social Security benefits have been partially taxable since Reagan's Economic Recovery Plan in 1981
Reply:This is coming from a republican voter

socail security is one of only a FEW things that the dem's have come up with that is positive for america,

if it was not for social security both of parents over 65 would be homeless, no bullshit, also it is the difference between us being a third world country and not. not HUGE into it im only 20, i thought i would be a deomcrat i dont know how you really decide but i heard about immigrants getting social security even though they have never put any money into it and that reeeallly pissed me off....but i never knew it was the democrats who decided to do that! that makes me mad

so now i just read everyones answers after i posted mine..and im just really confused on who did what...
Reply:Republicans have been trying to destroy Social Security for years. In 1983 they made a major step in this direction by forcing benefits to be subject to witholding taxes and have been pushing for higher retirement ages. Under Bush they have recently tried to turn the money over to Wall Street, a measure which was thankfully defeated.
Reply:so lets vote democrat and get screwed some more.
Reply:Yep. Social Security... Just like welfare. I work 40 years 50 hours a week and end up getting the same check that someone who worked 25 years, maybe 40 hours a week, who got too fat and "can't" work anymore, gets. And their wife had "too many" kids so they get welfare checks that a factory worker whose plant shut down and whose house burned down who couldn't afford insurance, should have gotten. Great plan Democrats, help the lazy, self centered people of America... I just don't understand...
Reply:Q. Which party created Social Security?

A. Democrat

Q. Which party wanted to gamble with Social Security by investing it in the stock market? (They'd be doing real well right now, right?)

A. Republican

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