Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social security, ssi, and medicaid benefits?

My mom got hit by a car and was disable. she was able to collect Social Security, SSI and her and my father were given mecaid and medicare. My father was denied after he won his case, my dads social security started and my mom's SSI Stopped, her Social security was reduced. this isn't the problem. The problem is that their medcaid was taken away and now they are having hadships because they no longer can get a home maker to help cook and clean, no more visits to adult day care which they have been attending for last 3 years. what can they do to get medicaid back.

Social security, ssi, and medicaid benefits?
Contact your local county Social Security or Senior Services office....every county has one.

If they receive Social Security benefits, they are still eligible for many, many services. Contact the office and they will help you out.

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