Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social anxiety probelm.?

My social anxiety is driving me into a cave (figuratively). I am 20 years old and my social anxiety is controlling my life. I am afriad to live a good normal life. I am afriad to get a job, becuase I don't know if I will get so anxious that I wont' beable to handle it, and go into a panic. It is making my relationship with my boyfriend difficult, because I don't like going out in public, and he says we don't have a promising future if I am afraid to get a job now, what about later. I guess I just always assumed I would because I would have no choice. I do want to beable to live a normal life and not be scared. What should I do? My boyfriend says I should just get a job and dive into it then I will have to get over my social anxiety. I think I want a more gradual approach so I feel confident in my ability to control my anxiety before hand though. But its not just with a job, its also just with getting out hand enjoying life. I shut myself off from enjoying my life becuase of it.

Social anxiety probelm.?
Need to talk to a psychologist who has experience with cognitive behavioral therapy. this is the only type of therapy that has shown to be effective with social anxiety. there are medications that you can take at first, but they won't help you in the long run until you face your fears head-on.
Reply:ask your Dr. for clonazepam it is an anti anxiety drug and works wonders, only thing it is very addictive
Reply:Dear social anxiety,

It's a terrible feeling,not wanting to socialize and get out there and do as normal people. I had suffered from this social anxiety and yes getting a job is hard,I'm 25 and have not worked before,part of this was social anxiety and now I'm suffering in the long run. You feel as if people are looking at you or talking about you. You feel insecure and vulnerable. The truth is it's hard and unless someone has been there they won't fully understand. It's okay you want to start small that is fine,but do so now before this gets out of hand. Perhaps start joining things,community groups,yoga something such as a small activity that will help you be around others,but in a small environment,build up that confidence to be around people and socialize. It takes a small step for you to realize it' isn't that bad. Ask your family and friends to help you,ask your boyfriend to try to help you,remember no one is going to want to hold your hand your not a child,your a grown woman. If your looking for a job,try something small,something not over whelming,or perhaps some place a friend works to help you to be introduced to others. Try to get yourself out there step by step,but at least put effort,do you want to lose friends and a boyfriend over something like this? Do you want to be left out of things or your children if you have any or plan to?

We all are nervous starting something new. A job or school,it's normal and we all start off a little anxious,but you have to give yourself a little push,take some steps to help yourself. Do not allow yourself to be pushed into a corner by overwhelming feelings like you have been. Assuming that you will just have to get a job is not smart,you will have to work,but how will you work if your afraid and nervous to ineract and worried about doing your job right? You need to start interacting somewhere,try going to volunteer for something,this is also another step towards interaction and opening yourself up. Be more motivated it's for your future. I to have suffered from this,it even happens with using the phone and although it's embarrasing you can't let it ruin your life,because it can and it will if you let it go on. If your not willing to have a future and then by all means let your boyfriend know and let him go so he doesn't have to stand by you while you decide to do nothing but be home and scared to go out and do anything. We have to talk to people,this is how you find your way into losing that anxiety,you start doing something that you like try to get into something,at first it might be awkward,but try at least,make a stepping stone,but don't just stop there. Once you get into something keep on going with it,make an effort and keep at it. People all have anxiety and lots of them suffer from social anxiety,it starts as shyness and then it becomes complicated once your an adult. Don't let it ruin your life. Start some where and start soon,before you lose your boyfriend and any friends you have. You can even lose out on life. Being scared will only shorten your life,and make it boring.

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