Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social services?

my boyfriend as not bin in trouble with the law for nearly 6 month and he doesnt intend to we just want to be a services have been involved for 5 month because so called friend was jelious and wrote a letter services said my partner couldnt have contact with my son till assessment is done and they make dission weather we can have a relationship.hes never hurt a child or woman i trust him 100%.assessment is done waitin for answar.he was done for attemted murder last conviction and vilence in past hes grown up now past is past.if they say no can we still carry on as a family without them taking my son who is loved and cared for and very happy child my partner loves him like his own and is realy good with him,he hasnt seen him for 3 month coz we complying with social services its realy hurting sons dad died befor he was born,our future for us all was looking good whats going to happen please help us

Social services?
Unfortunitly you are with a person wh o has violent past behavoir. Child services is doing the right thing, for the protection of your child. It seems like a painfully long process. But stick through it. Its for the benefit of you and your son, even though i kow you trust your own insticnts. If he is a gr4eat as you say, then they should let you get on with your life. But for now just stick with it and push through. It will be over before you know, and for the better of your life.

Life sucks, when it throws things your way, and makes it harder to just be, but it all works out in the end.

Good luck!! and keep holding on!!!
Reply:You say your boyfriend has not been in trouble for the last 6 months. Sorry to say this, but that is not really a long time.

I know you say that your friend was jealous, maybe she was scared for you and your child.

A risk assessment is a process of looking at what possible risks there are to (a) your child and (b) to you. It should have been explained to you that you and your boyfriend's perceptions on his past is important, how you propose to protect yourself and what priority you place upon your child's welfare and safety. They should have access to all the details about his convictions and his past, even perhaps information that you do not know.

If social services assess that he is a risk, then you will be in the position of choosing - your child or him. If your relationship with him is so important that you are prepared to lie with him and allow him access to your child then social services will remove the child. In the UK if a child is removed then there have to be regular meetings to continually assess the current home situation and whether there is a possibility of returning the child.

I'm so sorry that your child's father died. Your child needs a good role model for a father, and someone who can and will treat you both with the love and support you deserve.
Reply:When dealing with social service you have to know your rights and in the future make a investment with prepaid legal service you can use a prepaid card and here is a website that can help you there is a big problem in this country and in the UK a lot of children are taking for know reason good luck

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