Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social Mobility in England and U.S.?

I seek the forum's assistance with a question that I have.

It has long been my understanding that we in the U.S. move up and down the economic ladder frequently. However, in England, one is born into a "social class." I guess this is what is referred to as the aristocracy. Can someone please help me understand this?

In England, a person born into a certain class, is stuck in that class? Forever? Is there a law prohibiting people from moving through the classes? Is this a feudal concept that still exists?

I'm asking this question because I often read comparisons between the U.S. system and the English economic system and this lack of social mobility usually comes up as a difference. I understand what is meant by social mobility, I just don't know exactly why it is not existant in England.

Thank you very much.

Social Mobility in England and U.S.?
This used to be the case, but social mobility is now more possible in the UK than in the US, thanks to the enormous and increasing difference in net worth in the latter.


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