Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why is the social security number given on lifelock commercials fake?

My name is Todd Davis

My social security number is 457-55-5462.

Thats whats on the website and on the comericals. But the social given does not belong to Todd Davis. I work for a company and can run a "social search", and that social belongs to several different people not one of them Todd Davis. In essense the social is fake and several people have been reported using it. It makes me question LifeLock as a company.

Why is the social security number given on lifelock commercials fake?
He's just trying to make a point. It says right on their website that they don't recommend you to unnecessarily give out your social security number.
Reply:lol Report It

Reply:Why don't you call them and offer to use your SS# instead. That way the people trying to scam Todd Davis won't be disappointed.

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