Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social Security Number?

What can i do if i dont remember my social security number and my social security number card is missing or stoled ??

What can i do to replace my social security number ?

Social Security Number?
Nobody doesn't remember their social security number in the USA.

If you are attempting to commit a crime, by obtaining a stolen social security number, let me warn you, that is a serious crime, a felony, for which you can be arrested and put in prison for 25 years, and fined $250,000.00, after which you will be deported.

If you are using this forum to try to gain information to perpetuate a federal crime, you can be arrested. Your information can be accessed legally by the FBI from Yahoo, and the FBI will come to your home and arrest you.
Reply:Go to your local social security administration, they can replace it with proper identification.
Reply:get a hold of SSA and they'll straighten you out
Reply:Take your passport or all forms of id to the SS in your area they will get you your number. 1 # per person no duplicates.Do you have a bank acc go there an give your ID they might give your SS# %26gt;%26gt;?
Reply:call social security, they will tell you.
Reply:You will have to go to the Social Security Administration; there should be an office in your area...check the phone book or find the address online. You will probably have to jump through hoops to prove that you are the person you claim to be, of course.
Reply:Go to the social security office with a photo i.d. and a birth certificate. They will be able to give you a new one.

Keep in mind, sometimes it is as bad as the DMV. The wait can be a few hours.
Reply:Phone your social security office immediately, someone could be fraudulently using your card as ID. They will tell you what to bring to their office for proof of identity and you will get a new one.
Reply:If you can produce a birth certificate and a picture ID go to the Social Security Administration office in your county and apply it takes about 10 weeks to get a new card. They might or might not tell you the number when you apply. That depends on the clerk's mood.
Reply:Go to the nearest flea market, they sell them cheap and make then fast!

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