Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social Anxiety?

I feel like I have social anxiety and am not sure what to do about it. How do I find someone to talk to and are there any alternatives to medication? I feel uncomfortable when ever I am in a social setting small or large and always turn red and embarrassed when talking to people. When ever I leave a social gathering I feel stupid and angry at myself. How can I overcome this?

Social Anxiety?
realize that we are all the same. everyone feels the same way in public, they just don't show it. they put on a "game face".
Reply:Have to disagree with the best answer. Not everyone feels the same way in public. Some people are a lot more relaxed and confident naturally. Social Anxiety isn't that simplistic. Report It

Reply:The more often you go to social gatherings, the better you will become at them. Don't give up, just keep trying until you no longer feel so uncomfortable.
Reply:I am a firm believer in therepy. If you don't know of a therepist in your area seek advice thru your local mental health services. Sometimes meds are helpful ,too. I know that you don't want that but maybe just for a short trial. I also, think that learning some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises are helpful. Good luck
Reply:an MD can prescribe paxil for this.
Reply:what you're describing does not sound like "social anxiety"...

...I have s.a....and ive recently started going to counseling for it, meds needed, you need behavioral therapy, and yes it works....just look in your phone book and look under counseling.

People with not get "embarrassed" around others, ..they get straight out anxiety, panic attacks, cannot breathe, ..begin to shake etc......

I'm not sure what youre feeling, ....It could be a very mild form of social anxiety, but it sounds to me, more like your just very shy,....

go talk to someone.
Reply:Dont pop anymore pills just start workingon it yourslef bit by bit one person at a will get better at it then you know you will be talking to everyone. Medication is never the answer

unless you dig the meds
Reply:Go to your doctor and he can refer you to a psychologist to help find the underlying problem that leads you to be anxious in social situations. Medication is most likely unnecessary.
Reply:Yoga, yoga, yoga!!! By a dvd and do it at home in private. I think this particular one I have would help. Its called Candle Light Yoga and its made by Crunch.

You don't want to take meds and thats great! Its all about learning to control those overwhelming emotions that get the best of you at the wrong times. I promise it will help.
Reply:i used to have the same problem. Get a really good friend and start going out every weekend. Train ur self and be ur self around people. Anxiety is an imaginary illness u can easily overcome it, just believe in ur self and u will be fine. good luck
Reply:Get more information about some ways to overcome your fear, anxiety and phobia at my profile.
Reply:I suffer the same thing.It was worse when I was younger (now 36).Try to be your own best friend and learn to be more confident in yourself.I find when I am in a social group I tend to listen to a conversation rather than start up a topic.Just think that other people also worry if they have said silly things in front of people as well,after all we are only human.People are more concerned with themselves rather than trying to judge of people.Dont be hard on yourself.
Reply:Talk to a counselor I thought I was normal but it turns out I'm paranoid, bi polar, and have a touch of ADD jus goes 2 show U
Reply:Same here, especially when I go to the mall. You have to deal with other people, you can't just stay in the house all day. Find a friend and go to the movies, and learn how to deal with people.
Reply:I feel the same very often. I tried all kind of medication, some which helped. But many meds had side effects that I just couldn't deal with. What it comes down to for me me is a lack of self confidence and an obsessive need for approval. Believe it or not, finding an awesome church was the answer for me. Some may even have support groups that can help. Take the small steps and don't be to hard on yourself.

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