Sunday, July 11, 2010

Social Work?

Ok I am very confused to what I want to do with my life right now. I've been in school for 4 years and my major was nursing. Well I applied to the nursing program but I wasnt accepted so I've decided to change my major to social work. I am registered for social work classes right now but I am not sure if I should drop these classes and retake prerequisite classes to increase my GPA, so that I can get into the nursing program next spring. I am afraid though that if I retake these classes that I wont get accepted and I have to wait a whole year more. I am going to apply to other schools though for the nursing program but I dont know if I should still take social work classes. I dont know what to do.

Social Work?
Where does your passion lie? If your heart is not in social work, do not go down that road. Do you really want to be a nurse? If yes, you know what to do -- raise the GPA. Also, talk to people in a nursing program to get their insight, the ins and outs.

BTW, as you know, nursing has PHENOMENAL employment opportunities!
Reply:If nursing is what you truly want to do I wouldn't jump around from one major to another. Try applying to other colleges that offer nursing and see what happens first. You said you've already been in school for 4 years- you must have 120 credits (or more) by now unless you weren't passing the classes.
Reply:Well, would you rather have an underpaid job dealing with the losers of society with a high rate of burn out (social work) or an overpaid job dealing with sick people (nursing). Note, nurses in America are overpaid, but in other countries, not so much, so I apologize if you are not America, but it sounds like you are.
Reply:If you really want to be a nurse then that is where you should put your energy. Social work is a demanding profession and if you are not sure that is what you want to do, or you are not happy doing it, then you won't really be of service to your clients (or really even to yourself). Now if you want to check out social work (because you don't really know what you want to do) then I would certainly encourage you to do this.


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