Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ant-social but not really?

I would class myself as anti-social but not in the sense of being anti-social. I hate social situations and have a general mistrust of anyone I meet. I avoid people on the street and hate it when I can't move fast enough to get away. I do act impulsively and without regards to others feelings without feeling remorse at the time but after such a situation I always feel guilty. Is there a term for this besides just being paranoid, or agoraphobic which I know I am. For more details leave an answer asking so. If you ask for more details don't forget to check back.

Ant-social but not really?
I'm not going to really answer your question but let me tell you that the behavior you are describing is not "antisocial" but rather "asocial". Antisocial behavior is something COMPLETELY different. Approximately 90+% of those in prisons/jails are there due to antisocial behavior. Its actually a VERY bad thing to be antisocial (as in very little hope for change).
Reply:I don't think you should be so quick to beat yourself up. We are all different, and you just sound like an introvert to me. I am an introvert, and have had to learn to polish my social skills. I think it would be interesting and beneficial to take the Myers-Briggs Personality test . . . there are 16 possible types. You can read up on it here:


PS I also have a serotin deficiency, and take Lexapro. It takes the edge off of my snappiness when I can't help being snappy. I take it everyday, and it has changed my life. I know what you are going through, my friend, and you are okay. You just need to leave yourself alone, and stop worrying. Tell your counselor your problems, and how you feel, it could be something chemical, and very easy to resolve. Trust them they care about helping you. You also need something to build up your self esteem. A Special Blessing to You in this dilemma.
Reply:My advice would be to seek psychological counseling to get beyond the childhood trauma that brought you to this social point in your life. What you described is not very healthy, and would like to think that you probably don't want to be that way the rest of your life.
Reply:social phobia, maybe?
Reply:One thing is that you are aware of your problem and you want to change. You are doing the right thing by seeking help, but you must tell them everything otherwise they can't help you. Now that you've told us, please tell your counsellor. You'll be glad you did. Good luck.

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