Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can Social Anxiety be controlled WITHOUT medication?

I have had social anxiety disorder for about 5 years now. I have even filed for SSI because I just can't seem to overcome it, and it definately affects my day-to-day life. However my education is leading me to a very social career path, and I really need to work to get over this anxiety problem. I never used to be like this before I had my first child, and I don't know why I can't seem to shake it now. What sort of things can I do to possibly ease myself back into being social?

How can Social Anxiety be controlled WITHOUT medication?
Try to gradually work with yourself in getting into social situations. Do one on one contacts, just being a part of a group, knowing several people together, larger groups etc. The idea is to succeed with less difficult situations and gradually gain some confidence that you are willing to try the next step.
Reply:If it were me I would try to get the help of a therapist. You seem a little fragile and should not risk doing anything that could give you set-backs.
Reply:I have the same problem. I went to a therapist first and she was going to try hypnosis with me and have me record it so I could take it with me and listen to it. I didn't have much faith in it so I went to my family doctor and got on Alprolozam (anxiety medication). It actually doesn't make me feel "not myself" I haven't had any panic attacks since. I would suggest if you don't want to try medication to try a therapist and do hypnosis. Best of luck to you.
Reply:See a psychiatrist. I know one of the reason someone social anxiety person doesn't meet a psychiatrist is a fear by anxiety but you are not socializing with a psychiatrist but he is gonna help you and he is paid.

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