Thursday, August 19, 2010

Is social retardation genetic?

Social retardation from what ive seen isn't a really defined condition such as autism or ADD. Im just talking about social awkardness, EXTREME dorkiness, etc. Or maybe it IS a defined condition? Im not sure. Also, if you have any information on social retardation besides hereditory implications feel free to discuss that too.

Is social retardation genetic?
If I'm reading you right . . . no, it's not genetic, but it CAN be hereditary. People can't teach their kids what they themselves don't know. So it is a cycle.
Reply:I don't know if it is genetic or not, but I do know that Asperger's Syndrome is definitely a possiblity. Asperger's is the mildest form of Autism. These kids generally have good speech and language but lack the ability to understand social rules and sometimes tend to be clumsy. Search the net. There is lots of information on it. I believe these disorders are genetic in basis but have an environmental trigger.
Reply:It's calle Social Phobia, gonzo.

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