Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can I increase my social value? What is social value of an individual anyway?

A friend of mine said that I have little social value, that's why ppl don't invite me to partie/pub crawls/social gatherings etc. What does he mean and how can I possibly increase my social value so that ppl will find me interesting and will invite me to social gatherings?

PS: I'm usually very serious, quiet and find it difficult to talk to ppl.

How can I increase my social value? What is social value of an individual anyway?
You basically need to relax, be confident in yourself, and know that everyone else feels insecurities and awkwardness too (hence their criticism of you .. as opposed to inspiring you). Every person acts on their own motives (primarily insecurity). When any person perceives another person to be a threat or simply doesn't know how to react (like when you are being serious or detached/reserved), then their insecurity will place a negative social value upon being around you .. but in the end, you are the person who determines your own social value (oftentimes without realizing it). Make people feel good and comfortable around you, and ignore everything that seems to be an attack on you because it is NOT personal, just THIER insecurity. Oh yeah, and a chemical imbalance can cause you to feel and act in ways which make others uncomfortable, so I advise that you see a psychologist and consider taking medicine like Zoloft (it works very well and you will feel more like yourself and more a part of, which is to say "in harmony with", reality and the social realm.
Reply:no. You are worthless
Reply:It all comes down to how much you bother with others....if you're a hermit, then no, there's not as much social value as one who volunteers all the time, hosts parties, attends PTA meetings, etc. Of course, that's only for people who take that very seriously. Otherwise, you have just as much social value as anyone else. Sounds more like your friend is only interested in what you do, not you yourself.
Reply:I too am reserve and find it hard to talk to people. I usually will be somewhere at a party in my own little space watching as opposed to contributing. So your friend would probably say I have little social value. I too rarely get invited and usually prefer to decline instead if I do, opting to spend my spare time elsewhere. This doesn't mean we have "little social" value , as you and I do contribute to society in one way or another. If your hair is brown and mine red, it doesn't mean that your color or mine is any better. Just different. People interact in different ways, there's nothing wrong with it. Much of your personality traits are learned behaviors and many can be altered, but genetics make up a percentage as well.

Learn to accept and respect yourself first for what you are and tranquility and self confidence will follow.
Reply:its how you perceived yourself that will increase your social value.

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