Sunday, August 22, 2010

Should I get a degree in Social work?

I have been in college and finally know what I want to do. I want to build a career in Social Work.

Would it be beneficial to get a BSW bachelors of social work. Then go to graduate school and get a Masters in both Social work and Public Administration.


Should I get a bachelors in Business administration. Followed by a Masters in Social Work and MBA or Masters of Public Administration.

I know that the salaries aren't great in Social work. But after researching, in order to move up to the managerial ranks I need to have a business background as well.

I want the best of both worlds. The money of business, and the fulfillment of social work.

Please give sound advice.

Should I get a degree in Social work?
Most MSW programs offer a concentration in administration. So, that would cover the business part. Check with the school you plan to get your MSW from. It would be better to get the Bachelors in SW because it starts you out with the basic knowledge you need of the social work progress, plus, it will give you a leg up in your masters course work to where you may be able to cut the time to just a year to get your MSW. I would definatly go for the BSW, followed by the MSW and concentrate in Administration.
Reply:Get your BSW and then your MSW. If you have good grades you can get into the advanced standing program (get MSW in a year) if they have that where you live. Once you are in your MSW you can specialize in Administration. Minor in business. If you want the money social work really isn't the right field, haha. Get a PHD for that!!
Reply:It seems that the BSW is your basic entry ticket to the social work career path.

Here's some info on Social Work careers from some discipline sources:

How to Become a Social Worker

How to Become a Social Worker | Career Education to Become a Social Worker | Social Worker Training

You Want To Become A Social Worker?

For salary, benefits, career path info try sites like

For the future job market (especially to get a handle on what the job market might be when you graduate) visit

Hope this helps. Best wishes in your educational pursuits.
Reply:hey sista girl... A degree is a degree... All tha corporate world wants to know is "Can this chick learn?" and any degree proves that u are capable of learning! Get it! A degree in PE is better than no degree... go for it!
Reply:You don't say how far along you are in college. Assuming you are below the junior level then yes going for a BSW would be your best bet to getting into social work. If you know you want to go into administration then you will probably want an MSW (if you have a BSW you can do your MSW in a year rather than in two).

Now as to the MSW and MPA or MBA. You may find that doing your concentration year of your MSW in a program that has an administration track would be sufficient. This does not preclude doing an MPA or MBA - however social work does have a strong history of organizational practice.


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