Sunday, August 22, 2010

How does social work principles observe the aspect of social cognition when dealing with clients?

in the light of socia work principles how social workers and other professionals should observe the aspect of social cognition when dealing with clients

How does social work principles observe the aspect of social cognition when dealing with clients?
Social work principles can not observe.

That said. Cognition is one system within the individual and it is important to understand it in relation to the cognitive and affective systems. But also in relation to the biological, spiritual systems as well. Social work principles direct us to consider all systems and their relationship as part of understanding the whole person. DA
Reply:I'm glad you said should.

They don't empathise even slightly with the needs of the individual until they are proven to be at risk. At which stage they are already victims, the perpetrators are almost always prosecuted and by necessity the social services have no choice but to intervene.

Other than that, the client is a number and the 'social' do not 'serve' they guide towards other, usually charitable, agencies for them to offer support and assistance.
Reply:Awareness of needs by empathy.

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