Thursday, August 19, 2010

BESD : social or psychiatric problem?

Behavioural and Emotional Social Difficulties (BESD) is a generic term to describe poor behaviour in children. For some teenagers, BESD can be a card played to explain away anti-social behaviour. Bad behaviour is on the rise, portrayed in the media, which many teens feel they need to live up to in order to achieve status in peer groups. Gang violence, happy slapping, underachieving at school, teenage pregnancy, depression, self harm, rudeness, and avoiding responsibility. These are some of the synonyms which are included on SEN statements of BESD teens and are often the distinguishing reason why they are labelled with BESD in the first place. I want people's opinions and experiences: Are teenagers medically labelled with BESD just naughty teens trying to live up to peer/media pressure or a hard nut or is it a genuine psychiatric condition?

This is going to help me a great deal and go towards my final year project at university entitled:

BESD : social or psychiatric problem?

BESD : social or psychiatric problem?
majority, social problem...could be from many roots, number one being poor parenting. Could be malnutrition, many schools are now removing all soda, chips, candy and other garbage from school access. the school are seeing an improvement in behavior after these changes. (google asparatame for one behavioral problem). Political correctness has disempowered teachers in regards classroom behavior.

Of course tv, mtv, rap music and demise of hte extended family all play a part. TV moguls deny any responsibility for the changes in behavior yet charge $2million/minute for advertising time on Super Bowel Sunday!

Yet individual teens can overcome most all of that but most cannot overcome negative peer pressure. The desire to be accepted by peers is too strong for most.

Good luck with your project.
Reply:I'm sure you wont want this answer-Emotion Social Difficuties is a very new term--made up so as not to help anyone---you have to really go through the last 3 thousand years or so to see how adults-acted and reacted to teens--many the boy's to see what really works
Reply:If it were me - I'd go find and rent "West Side Story" specifically the 'officer Krupke' dance/song.

It tackles this area nicely.

Unless BESD is in the DSM T-R it doesn't exist, in psychology. Although it may become a disorder to be researched further. I can understand not wanting to label kids as anti social personality's. But, to equivocate for the sake of appearances and protection - can easily lead into denial.

My first thought is: BESD does not add anything to the field of knowledge. Most of the criteria above, can be applied, at one point or another across most teens' adolescent years. That, plus they hang out with a clique.

But, we need bright minds and a new paradigm; so, keep digging and probing for the truth, please.

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