Sunday, August 22, 2010

Involuntarily anti social....?

i havent been social in close to two years. in these two years, i've been in mostly social environments. i find it hard to loosen up and just be myself most of the time. and i truly want to just be myself. however, i have been told that i am disrespectful, rude, sarcastic, pompous, arrogant, etc; the whole nine. i dont see in me what others see and i completely disagree with the names. i consider myself a fun-loving, considerate, potentially outgoing person. it is because i have been labeled this that i choose to keep quiet more often than not, biting my tongue a lot. has anyone ever felt this way and is there anyone who can give some advice on this. i really want to be a social person and feel free to say what i feel at all times. somebody let me know sth, please

Involuntarily anti social....?
Its called 'tact' and 'delivery' you just have to get better at those two things. I have been mistaked for an anti social self obsessed snob most of my life. If your friends are calling you these things than I would worry. If they are random people, who cares. Either way you can be as sarcastic as you want, but you have to do it correctly. I have failed at many a delivery in my day. Either way in the gay world you are either 'easy', a snob or crazy. So don't stress too much.
Reply:Oh, don't worry about it. You just need some people around you who share your humour and your sensibilities. You should be fine then. Just don't worry about what they label you as. Doesn't help much.

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