Sunday, August 22, 2010

Can having a social worker stop me from being one?

I am 15 and would like to be a social worker when I am older, when I talked to my social worker about it she said because I have a social worker I would not be allowed to be one is this right ? I don’t see how having a social worker at this age can stop me from being one when I am older.

Can having a social worker stop me from being one?
I admire your dream! Don't ever let anyone try to discourage you to be who you want to be! If you are passionate about what you do, you will succeed where most fail! She is not lifting you up but discouraging you and telling you things that are not true. Stick with it if that is your hearts desire. I applaud you! "In his heart a man plans his coarse, but the Lord determine his steps." Proverbs 16:9
Reply:You have a point there! I hope you get your wish!
Reply:I would imagine it makes you more able to do the job. There is a shortage of Social Workers so you would be welcome. Just make sure you finish school, get further education and training. You will have a job for life with a decent pension. Good Luck
Reply:Of course you are right! I don't know where this social worker got his/her credentials, but he/she is very much mistaken!
Reply:She is wack, follow your dreams!
Reply:It sounds like she's the one that needs help... not you!
Reply:I don't think that's right at all! I guess yes your issues for having one depends on your eligibility as they don't just accept anyone but having one is doesn't stop you from what you want to do in life and escpecially at your young age.
Reply:I can't believe a social worker would say that to you that is cruel and irresponsible. Surely people who have been through difficult situations are the best placed to help others. I am surprised you wan't to be one with the social worker you have. Go for it I am sure you will be excellent!!!
Reply:She's talking through her hat. She may be trying to put you off because social work is fraught with so many troubles these days. Look at the stories (especially Victoria Climbie) of where SWs screwed up and children or young people or elderly people died.

As for your career... I figure that since you have experience of a particular problem, you will be best placed to assist in treating that problem. Go for it and Good Luck!
Reply:No thats rubbish.

I am doing a social work degree at present and several of my class mates are people who have had social workers in the past. In fact being a service user is a big advantage when it comes to being accepted on the course.

It is probably true that one can not practice as a social worker WHILE one is recieving certain services (mental health etc) but no reason at all why you cant in time to come.

I am a bit concerned about your social workers attitude to be fair, it doesnt seem very optimistic. I am also concerned about why she would tell you something that she knows to be untrue. Perhaps you were at cross purposes?

You will need to stick in at school as the social work qualification now requires that you do a degree through university.

You will need A levels or an access course, unless you can prove later on, as a mature student, that you have gathered the skills to study via work based training etc

good luck, keep our eyes open and work hard.
Reply:I would check it out because it does seem very odd that it would stop you, plus you may not always have a social woker in any case. (I'm sure she's wrong actually.) Try asking 'Social Work and Care Careers' on 0845 604 6404., who may be able to answer any other questions you may have. This number is off the Department of Health's Social Work website at

Hope this helps.
Reply:No she's totally wrong unless she knows something about your criminal history that we don't or your mental health.
Reply:unfortunately you have a social worker that has justified my opion of social works again. to many of them are irrational like that.

if you really want to do it - go ahead - speak to a careers advice centre pplace thing (I believe theres an offical one - the job center or some such should be able to tell you where to look)

I wish you the best of luck - just dont let them change you to be the same as that sort of person - and expect people to expect similar sorts of opinion I expect of them too (dont get me wrong its lovely to be proved wrong, with such things - but Im still waiting for that to happen with that bunch) - prove my opinion wrong. be a diamond in the rough.
Reply:No, it can't.
Reply:she`s talking thru her anus
Reply:That sounds incorrect,your social worker sounds like she doesn't have faith in you and trying to put it behind a facade that it just isn't allowed which is total nonsense. You didn't mentioned why you had a social worker but it doesn't really matter because what takes place during your teen years has nothing to do with what you decide to do as an adult career-wise. Get all the books you can get your hands on to find out the qualifications for being a social worker and find out what courses you can take up in high school right now that can be used towards college credits. I f you got a course that you are not good in,practice on it now because when you enter into college,you will have to take General Education courses first and practice just make perfect. Like Naruto says,"Believe It!"
Reply:I've worked around social workers all of my working life.

I've never heard of not being able to become a social worker because you used to have one. I will tell you that the education is very long and hard. If that's what you want to be-go for it. I think that social worker is way off track.
Reply:90% of all social workers are ex needers of the social programs. In the drug area most are ex users. You will need some education which uasualy is paid for by some program, you need a new worker!
Reply:i don't know if that is true or not but i do know if you have ever been in trouble with the police you cant be one

you need to check it out but i think somebody who has had problems would make a grate social worker because that person would be able to work from experience
Reply:I don't think that sounds right!!! I believe you can do anything you want to honey!! Hang on to your dreams and go for it!
Reply:The first thing you must learn about social workers is that some of them are not completely honest.

You're only 15. Your options are limited only by your imagination. With enough perseverence and resources, you can do anything. And often times you can create your own resources. Best of luck with whatever you do with your life! Don't let ANYONE tell you that you aren't good enough or that you can't do it.
Reply:Wow...shame on your social worker for discouraging you. Who better to support kids in care than someone who understands them best. Congratulations on your choice of careers. Just by asking this question, I can tell you will be amazing. Best of luck and I would consider talking to a school counselor rather than your social worker about your career choices.

No your social worker is talking absolute rubbish hun! To be honest if I ever need a social worker I would want someone like yourself who has first hand on experience of social worker system!

Go forward to your dreams of becoming one - work hard at school and college and you will become a fantastic social worker...

only difference between you and your social worker - you actually have a brain whilst she appears to have lost hers somewhere!

Reply:I am just finishing my Bachelor degree in Social Work and have also dealt with Social Workers in the past. It makes no difference. If you have a need to help people though, I would suggest becoming an Registered Nurse. They make a heck of ALOT more money.
Reply:Well thats not true having a social worker means ur gnna be better experianced as you know what they do.

You cant be stopped for what you want to be, you go what you want to be let nobody stop you and good luck x


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