Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Define social change? What are the key features of social change?

Pls. help. I have read and read and do not understand what social change is or what the key features of social change actually is.

Define social change? What are the key features of social change?
Well, this is an awfully broad topic to answer here. Social change can involve things as small as hemlines and hairdos to attitudes towards slavery and the rights of women. The easiest way I can define social change is a change in the behavior of people or attitudes to other people. For small things like clothing or hairstyle changes, usually the media is involved, especially nowadays. In earlier times, the changes would filter down from a more respected level of society to the "lower" levels of society. For larger issues, it's a little harder to say. Take slavery for instance. For hundreds of thousands of years, slavery was an accepted practice. It's hard to explain why it changed, since even early Christianity didn't preach against it. It's almost as if human attitudes evolved and grew on their own to recognize that other people were just as valuable and deserving of freedom as themselves. People who fought against this change did it primarily for economic reasons - in other words they would lose a cheap source of labor. But then, slavery still exists in small pockets in the world today, especially in parts of Africa and Asia. Education changes a lot of social practices, almost too many to discuss.

Probably the biggest social change in the last few centuries was the rise of democracy - the belief that people had the right to choose their own form of government, rather than having it forced on them either by right of birth or by military force. Why did our founding fathers embrace this concept? Probably because enough of them had suffered from the ill effects of the alternatives, but there had to be more than that. To some extent, the experiment wouldn't have taken place had we not had the physical isolation from Europe that made it hard for England to try to stop the change.

So as you can see, social change is a very broad topic with a whole lot of different factors involved.
Reply:Do your own homework.

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